If the Kean Catalog record for a book indicates that its Location is the Reference Collection, this means that you should be able to find the book in the Reference Collection on the 2nd floor of the library, on the left-front side of the main door. If the Kean Catalog record for a book indicates that its Location is the Main Collection, this means that the book circulates (it may be checked out of the Library) and that you should be able to find the book upstairs on either the second or third floor depending upon the book's call number. Main Collection books are organized as follows:
A through HM call numbers are shelved on the 2nd floor.
HN through Z call numbers are shelved on the 3rd floor.
Please note: The Kean Catalog also contains book records that include the information Location: Main Collection - Juvenile, 3rd floor. Children’s books from the Juvenile Collection have Kean Catalog records like this. Juvenile Collection books are shelved according to the Dewey Decimal system right after the reference books on the 2nd floor.
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