Dissertations and some theses are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) (VALE) database. You may access this database by taking the following steps:
- Go to the Library’s home page (http://libguides.kean.edu/Library).
- Click Databases A-Z (under the WorldCat Discovery box) to access the Databases page.
- Click the letter P on the alphabetical menu.
- Scroll down and click ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) (VALE). Please note: Off-campus access requires the Kean Google e-mail user name and password for authentication.
- Limit a search to Kean theses by entering "Kean" in the University/institution field on the Advanced search option. You can also limit to your thesis or dissertation by selecting the Author field (Advanced search option) and using the Look Up Author feature to find your name in the database.
For additional assistance, please contact a reference librarian:
- Stop by the Reference Desk in the Nancy Thompson Library and Learning Commons during reference desk hours.
- Call (908) 737-4629 during reference desk hours and ask to speak to a reference librarian.